The delivery of a CAT program aims to provide greater understanding of traditional Aboriginal Cultural Values, thereby, empowering participants to understand and engage with a considered approach of understanding and awareness to:
Moodjar’s four (4) hour CAT program is designed to introduce your Team to:
- Aboriginal culture, protocols, heritage, customs and traditional practices “Lore and Law”, creation stories, spirituality, kinship systems, Dreaming stories that are culturally appropriate for a mixed audience.
- Emphasise the importance of the ‘Connection to Country’ and why this is an essential element to Aboriginal people and their sense of being.
- The cultural diversity of Aboriginal language groups, family groups and communities.
- The impacts of past and current Government Policy, which will allow greater context for understanding current barriers, loss of language and cultural values
- How to engage in a sensitive, respectful and appropriate manner, differences between traditional values and contemporary values
- Identify strategies for appropriate engagement between Aboriginal people and the communities in which we live and work.
Moodjar can tailor a CAT program that is suitable for you and your company